Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter dish "Oden"

Today's highest temperature is about 0 degree Celsius. Winter has come to Albany.
The most popular winder dish in Japan is "Oden(". I missed too much. The day before yesterday, I went to buy rice at Asian market, then I found "personal Oden set(small portion of oden)". I was very happy to see it and bought it. Its price is about $3.00. So, today's dinner is "Oden"!! It makes me hot and happy.


sexi* said...

hi mari, i am in the albany area too. although im not japanese, i have had homemade oden made by my aunt before which i absolutely love! whereabout is the asian market you are talking about?? id love to try that out! thanks!

Mari said...

Hi Vanessa,
Here is a Asian Market in Colvin Avenue, near the Price Chopper of Westgates. Also, I saw big portion of pack(Family size) Oden in Kim's market.